Welcome to My Blog!

Hello and welcome to my blog! I will be posting my work here for all to see! I have created so many papers, editorials and created presentations on a myriad of topics, and keeping it to myself has been selfish, I know. 😊

As a mother reentering the workforce after a break and working on her master's degree in Healthcare Communication at DePaul University, I am very interested to get my voice and perspective out there for all to see. I have had twenty years of various employment opportunities centered around healthcare, special education, behavior modification, communication, and management. 

Using my skills as a content creator, organizational guru, stand up in my living room and joke comedian (#hasjokes), engaging writer, ultra mega effective communicator and all around interesting person (#humblebrag). I am 100% that Pitch... master! 

I have created many works on very interesting topics. I usually write from my experiences of what is happening, and believe me- I've been through A L O T- so this blog will cover some interesting events and situations I have found myself in and learned from.  

The top topics include: 

All about alcohol 
Chronic Illness 
Family dysfunction 
Generational healing
Healthcare communication
Household division of labor
Maternal mental health
Media and it's affect on women's mental health
Punishment and adherence
Raising children
Social Media and it's implications on drinking alcohol and motherhood
Therapy and medication
Women's health
Women's mental health
Women's stress 

There are many more, but that is the list I can think of right now. I'll also be posting what I think is interesting, and organizing it in a way that is easy to navigate and get to what you are looking for. 

I will also be adding little tidbits about my past accomplishments and how they are joined up to my current work and what I learned. Hopefully at some point in the future, I will be all caught up and I can start FRESH with my posts! 


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