"As per usual..."


    Today marks DAY 30 WITHOUT MAIL. 

I also received my negative COVID test result from Monday. I am very excited! My first thought was: "Now I can go to the post office and get my mail!" I then thought about that further and am not as excited as I was this morning before I put some thought into it. 

It is currently 35° outside. The line for this particular hell mouth is out the door. I am 8 months pregnant and never comfortable. Due to my pregnancy, it is recommended by the CDC that I should:
"Avoid activities where taking protective measures may be difficult and where social distancing can’t be maintained." 
I will of course be wearing a mask, I'll keep my hands to myself and do my best not to get to worked up. This all seems a bit unnecessary given that I should be getting my mail delivered, so I may have to use my "Mom voice." I'll do my best to keep my cool. No promises. 

Also fun fact- through my research I have discovered that in Illinois, it is legal to record government workers doing their government jobs. So I'll be recording my interaction with the Post Office Federal Workers today. I am hoping that if I can't receive ALL MY MAIL today, that Ms. Theresa Starr, our branch manager, will be happy to assist me in this matter. 

"In House debate of the eavesdropping bill, Representative Elaine Nekritz stated that the law would no longer make it a crime for a civilian to record a government employee doing their government job.32 After all, “[g]athering information about government officials in a form that can readily be disseminated to others serves a cardinal First Amendment interest in protecting and promoting ‘the free discussion of governmental affairs.'"  -Illinois State Bar Association


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