Goodbye, 2019. Don't let the door hit you on the way out!
What a horrible, awful, no good year 2019 was! I would like to start 2020 positively, but to do so, I have to take measure of what exactly I lived through in 2019. Indulge me for a moment in this timeline: January: This was a good month. Joe and I were doing Whole30, I was not drinking, and I was bullet journaling regularly. I was also starting a new Master's program, "Health Communication." I had two classes- Social Construction and Statistics. I instantly fell in love with my new major. Even though the material proved daunting, I did pretty well in my classes. February: Trucking along with Whole30, not drinking, working out regularly and enjoying my classes. March: This is when it hits the fan. The weather starts to improve, but my aging parent's health starts to decline. The day after my darling nephew's birthday party, my mother, Mary, enters the hospital for a lung biopsy. She had been diagnosed with COPD and Lung cancer 2 years before. The lung ...
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