
Alcohol has been a major topic in my research, specifically women's use of alcohol and the media's portrayal of how women interact with it. The research has fueled my desire to look deeply at women's issues, especially maternal mental health and stress. As a wife, mother, student, caretaker of elderly and gravely ill parents, dog mom, and graduate student, I find my life is extremely busy, and as a feminist, I know it is my duty to make the best of it for future generations of people everywhere. My goal has always been to make the world a better place for my child and the world. By exploring the topic of alcohol and how women interact with it, I am diving deeper into the complex, varied roles modern women play. It is necessary for us to decipher the ways in which we can better support mothers and develop coping and stress relief that fits in with this new design of motherhood. 

Firstly, here is a presentation of a literature review regarding Women and Alcohol in the Media that was completed April 15th, 2019. 
Gender Performity and the Media 


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