For my birthday I got mail

Wednesday, 12/9 was my birthday, so I decided I’d try to take a break from fighting the Goliath that is USPS. Unfortunately, it was the day the USPS started responding to me regarding my various emails I sent to the leadership. Apparently, I must have finally touched the right nerve- because the past two days have been full of higher ups calling me. Tuesday, 12/8 at ~6:30 pm, I received a phone call from Wanda Prater, the Post Master and Randy Stine, District Manager. These people were on the top of my “fire them” list, not only because of these past few weeks, but the years of issues Schakowsky has noted many times. Their phone call consisted of clarifying the issues and what exactly they were doing about it- but specifically in regards to my case. Randy Stine was quiet for most of the phone call, so it was mostly Ms Prater explaining her resolutions to the issues. A rundown of what she said: Wanda Prater, Post Master 1. She was at the Rogers Park Post office for ~12 hours a day,...